T-Cone Relay – Soccer Dribbling Drill
The T-Cone soccer dribbling drill is a great drill to focus on dribbling with speed, controlled touches, turns, and fitness. While improving the players endurance and stamina.
Drill Setup
- Set up four cones approximately 5 yards apart in the shape of the letter T.
- Two players at the T-Cones with one ball at the base of the T. One player will rest while the other player is running the drill.
- Create multiple T-Cone setups to allow the entire team to participate.
- The first player starts at the base of the T and dribbles around the middle-top cone and cuts hard to the right-top cone.
- Then dribble around the right-top cone and cuts towards the top-left cone.
- Then dribble around the middle-top cone and returns to the starting cone.
- Then dribble around the bottom cone and continues with the same pattern again.
- Repeat this same pattern for 1 minute each and rotate players.
- Limit the type of dribbling: (Left Foot, Right Foot, Bottom of Foot)
- No ball, but make the players sprint. Have them facing forward only, so they will need to sprint forward, shuffle, and backpedal.
Video examples coming soon 🙂